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Hunstville, AL 35803
(256) 489-8209
The Unique Purpose and Character of the Antioch Church
The Antioch Church was:
Praying Church (Acts 13:2) The people prayed and fasted until they heard from God. Their missionary activity was born in a prayer meeting.
Disciplined Church (Acts 13:2) The believers there were known as disciples, meaning they were disciplined learners and followers of Jesus Christ.
Holy Ghost Anointed Church (Acts 13:1-2) The Holy Ghost was freely moving and speaking in tongues in the Church of Antioch.
Benevolent Church (Acts 11:29-30) When Jerusalem was hit by famine, Antioch responded with relief.
Worshipping Church (Acts 13:2) When believers at Antioch gathered together, their first activity was to minister to the Lord. The people depicted in Acts 13 appear determined to worship God, allowing the work of the Holy Ghost to be birthed in that experience.
Teaching Church (Acts 11:26; 13:1) Paul and Barnabus taught the church for a period of one year, strengthening the believers in the Word of God. We also notice that among the pronounced ministries there, other teachers were present.
Integrated Church (Acts 13:1) Barnabus was a Jew and a Levite. Simeon (called Niger, literally, “black”) was likely a black man. Lucius, a Gentile, was from the African colony of Cyrene. Manaen was from the privileged levels of society, having a close childhood connection with Herod the Tetrarch. Saul was a former Jew Pharisee who was highly educated, and who grew up in a strongly Gentile environment. Yet all these men, who were racially and socially different, were counted among the company of prophets and teachers.
Structured Church (Acts 13:2-3) The preeminence of the Holy Ghost is evidenced, prayer and the laying on of hands were employed in order to employ strength to them.
Imparting Church (Acts 13:3) Before Paul and Barnabus were sent from Antioch, fasting, prayer and the laying on of hands were employed in order to impart strength to them.
Gifted Church (Acts 13:1) There were men in residence at Antioch who represented pronounced and recognized ministries; such as prophets, elders, teachers and disciples, apostles and evangelists.
Grace Impacted Church (Acts 11:23) “Grace”, indicates “favor” on the part of the giver, “thanks” on the part of the receiver. Divine acceptance and gratitude in the hearts ofthe believers characterized the church at Antioch.
Christian Church (Acts 11:26) The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. The taught Word of God became flesh as it was put into practice by the disciples at Antioch.
Apostolic Church (Acts 13:3) From this single congregation of believers, came the most dynamic churches of the ancient world. The life and power of the Antioch was not held in Antioch but was constantly exported through wave after wave of apostolic teams who would affect the world.
The Antioch Principle The church at Antioch grew by means of trans local reproduction, not mere local additions. It did not experience such great influence because it desired to establish a single local ministry. This is the Antioch Principle.